Coping Fit ®

Coping Fit ® is our absenteeism prevention program. PSY Business has developed a module for screening employees (or those who are at risk) on impending work overload or mental issues. In case of early identification of symptoms, an adequate program can be offered to prevent absenteeism. Several programs are available for both individuals and groups.

Coping Fit makes it possible to assess personnel regarding their capacities and workload; how do they handle problems and difficult situations on the one hand, and how much complaints do they currently experience the other (coping). Using this information, an estimate of absenteeism can be made which allows us to indicate what would be needed to improve the balance within the work environment.

According to the outcomes of these questionnaires, personalized advice can be offered to employees, if desired. For the individual employee personal guidance can be started up, consisting of a pre-determined limited number of sessions in order to balance the different coping styles.

Screening is anonymous and privacy is guaranteed. For any chosen program, arrangements will be made with both employer and employee regarding feedback.

The most important features of the Coping Fit ® program are:

  • Absenteeism prevention as the main goal
  • The screening of personnel is conducted by means of objective and validated questionnaires
  • Screening can be offered both individually and in groups
  • If desired, the employee(s) can be offered an individual coaching track

Are you interested or would you like more information?

We provide custom solutions. Contact us for a free consultation.

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They went before you.

  • If the indirect costs are included, the daily costs could rack up to €400.

  • Did you know that the daily costs of absenteeism can lead up to €230?